Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Breastfeeding: What I Eat

It’s no secret that  am passionate about nutrition in general….and for so many reasons.  I think it honors God with our bodies; sets a good example for those around us; helps us look, feel, and perform our best so He can use us; helps us PREVENT disease and illness rather than treating it. Nutrition during pregnancy is especially important in giving your baby the BEST possible start!! I felt an obligation to eat healthy while pregnancy because I was responsible for growing this little human and helping set up his metabolism and health for the rest of his life. I researched a good bit about it while pregnant with Jase and wrote a few posts…
Nutrition During Pregnancy
Eating Healthy During Pregnancy

I am also super passionate about breastfeeding and am thankful that we have been able to do so…although I can tell you it has CERTAINLY not been an easy road! (I plan to write all about our nursing journey very soon!)

Because I am nursing, I am very mindful of what I eat. I have read there are certain things that can cause tummy issues for the baby, so I try to pay attention to how Jase reacts to what I eat. I think that because I ate SO healthy while pregnant, his digestive system is used to the healthy foods I am eating now. Broccoli, spinach, salad, and other veggies don’t bother him. To be honest, the only time he has ever had any tummy issues or gas is when I eat unhealthy. I ate fast food this past weekend (Fazoli’s) while in Valdosta and it tore his poor little tummy UP. (I never eat fast food.) I’m talking multiple blowouts. I have also eaten steak twice (I don’t eat steak either- it’s probably been years since I’ve had steak), and it did not sit well with him either time. We had to break out the gas drops both times, which I prefer not to use. (I try to avoid any kind of medicine if at all possible.) I felt so bad because I knew it was my food choices causing him those issues.

I try to focus on basic healthy eating principles- lots of lean protein, veggies, complex carbs, and TONS of water! (If I don’t drink enough water, my supply drops instantly. There is absolutely a direct correlation there. I’ll share a story about that when I write my breastfeeding post.) I also make sure I am eating ENOUGH calories, even though I am busy. That’s why meal prep and having healthy options on hand is so important.

Here’s what I typically eat (and yes, I try to do everything organic, cage-free, natural, etc. when possible):
  • gluten-free quick cooking oats with sliced almonds, cinnamon, honey, chia seeds, and ground flaxseed (I’ve heard oats help with milk supply)
  • boiled egg whites and one whole egg
  • cucumbers, broccoli, bell peppers, green beans (love Costco’s frozen green beans)
  • tomatoes
  • apples
  • Naturally more natural peanut butter & almond butter
  • no-bake energy bites (made with same oats, Naturally More peanut butter)
  • Oikos greek yogurt
  • raw almonds
  • sweet potatoes
  • brown rice (occasionally)
  • Ezekial bread – tortillas, English muffins, loaf bread, etc.
  • grilled chicken, salmon & tilapia (only 1-2x per week), and lean turkey
  • olive oil mister & spices to cook (also like Mrs. Dash salt-free options)
  • salsa
  • hummus
When we do eat out with family, we eat places when I can order a grilled chicken salad and Jonathan can eat meat and veggies. I ask for only veggies on the salad and use very little dressing.
Love feeling like I am giving my little man the BEST!! So thankful for our health, and I will do my best to make sure we both maintain that with what is in our control.


Anonymous said...

Just a tip, the quick oats don't help as much with your supply as the slow cooked oats. I noticed a huge difference in my supply when I made that change.

Brittany said...

Hi Danielle!
I contacted you through your Advocare page, but I'm not sure if you got it. I am really interested in the 24 day challenge, but I'm worried about it affecting my milk supply. My daughter is 7 weeks old and I hope to nurse for a year, but I don't want to wait a year to start making changes! This will be a pretty significant change in my eating habits, so I'm afraid my supply will plummet. Also, I've had to cut caffeine (diet coke because it was upsetting her tummy. I know the 24 day challenge contains spark, but I wasn't sure how much caffeine is in that. I would appreciate your perspective on this before I order the challenge from you! Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...


I just wanted to tell you that I truly enjoy reading your posts everyday. I have gotten so many ideas and been inspired by you. Thank you!

Crystal said...

I like Brittany would also like to know how and if you can do the 24 day challenge while breast feeding. I am due in December and would like to start pretty soon if possible.


Emily said...

omg FAZOLIS?!?!?! Barfffffff! Too bad I wasn't in town to take you to a GOOD place to eat hahaha ;)