Saturday, August 17, 2013

Jase's 14th Week!!

August 8- 14

Big boy is growing!!

Health: We had to give him gas drops once this week. I ate a steak (I don't eat red meat EVER, but we were in TEXAS!!) for dinner & the next day his little tummy hurt. Gas drops cleared it right up. We have only used them probably 3 times since he's been born, but they work really well when we need them.
Other than that he has been healthy, healthy, healthy!!
This might be the worst picture of me ever, but who do you think he looks more like?? We hear both & it's hard for me to tell...I think he's a pretty good combo of us both.
Sleep: Jase was on an awesome schedule while in Texas (we did have to adjust because of the time change) and slept through the night for us all 4 nights while we were there. Of course he woke up at 1:30 again as soon as we got home, but I'm thankful he has taken PERFECT 2 hour naps every day since we've been back. His schedule is rockin' this week!! Glad a WW & growth spurt are over for now. (If you have a little one, definitely download the Wonder Weeks app.)
Poor lil fella missed several naps on our way home from Texas Sunday. He tried to fall asleep on our flight but I had to wake him up to feed him for his ears, so he was overly tired on the drive home from the airport and cried something serious. It was heartbreaking because we NEVER hear this child cry. Bless his little heart...I felt so terrible because I knew it was my fault he missed those naps. He isn't sleeping quite as well in his carrier as well as he did when he was a little younger because he always wants to know what's going on & look around....he's a curious lil fella and loves to learn!

Nursing: I fed him every chance I could, but we spent a lot of time Friday-Sunday morning learning more about our INCREDIBLE company, so that meant I had to pump a good bit. I took my nursing cover and manually pumped so I didn't have to miss anything. Thankfully he eats great from a bottle.
We LOVE our awesome team!!

What Jase is up to: We celebrated his 3 month birthday on August 8th with this adorable photo shoot in the hotel. Grammy bought him t
his train that spells his name...
So exhausting being 3 months old!!
Did awesome on his flight home! Sweet baby....
 His buddy, Baby Vann, made his appearance! We are so proud of his beautiful mom & LOVED seeing the handsome lil man in person. SO MUCH HAIR!!! (Jase is a little jealous.) Ryan & Dana are going to be incredible parents & he's such a lucky little fella. We are having a blast entering this new phase of life with so many of our friends.
Future QB on our hands??
Really, I feel like he has awesome motor skills. A few weeks ago he took his paci out of his mouth himself, held it out towards me, and then put it back in his mouth. TRUE STORY. I'm not sure if that was an accident or intentional, but he seems to have really good coordination for his age.
PostPartum: Feelin awesome!
Baby Gear: Snuza Hero for when we travel, paci, nursing cover & hand pump, pack n play

Thoughts: We were able to fly my parents to Texas with us to watch Jase while we went to Success School. I couldn't bare the thought of being away from him & they are all about seeing new places, so it worked out perfectly. Mama & Daddy did an awesome job helping us, keeping him on schedule, and taking great care of our sweet little man. (Of course!) We are so lucky blessed to have two awesome sets of grandparents who love him beyond words. Loved seeing his pictures exploring Dallas & Ft. Worth and bonding with my parents...such sweet memories. So thankful for their help! It was a huge weight off having him right there with me, yet still being able to enjoy spending time with our teams and investing into our business.

"Hey Mom- Don't worry, I'm having soooo much fun with Grammy & Granddaddy!"


1 comment:

  1. Hi Danielle! I love following along with Jase's updates, and I especially loved all your pregnancy posts because I am due with my first in 6 weeks! I was wondering if you could do a post about C-sections, recovery, how you felt, products you liked for healing, getting back to working out & re-building that core strength etc. My little one hasn't turned head down yet, and my doctor said if she doesn't in the next week or two I'll most likely be looking at a C-section. Thanks!!
