Monday, July 16, 2012

Meeting my biological family…Our weekend in Nashville!

We LOVED Nashville!!! I can’t wait to go back and take Jon. I love country music and it was awesome hearing all the live bands and visiting the Country Music Hall of Fame & Grand Ole Opery Hotel.

And for everyone wondering about my big visit….

I met my biological family for the first time this weekend. Mama & I drove up and met my twin brothers and their wives and kids, my little sister, and my biological mom.

I was pretty nervous/anxious/excited….turns out everyone was. I’m so thankful I had all my prayer warriors lifting us up.

Honestly, I couldn’t have asked for anything to go better. Words can’t even explain. It was PHENOMENAL. I felt an instant connection with my siblings- loved them!! I loved their families too. It makes me super excited about the future and I really feel like our journey has just begun.

Like I said, I am SO thankful for all the prayers for the weekend. I feel like everyone’s hearts were ready and we all felt so much peace. It was very natural and comfortable.  We all talked a lot, shared stories, memories, and got to know each other better. We all talked about how we all felt about me being adopted. 

I have no doubt we were all covered in prayer and the Lord was all in that meeting. Everything went super smooth and it was an incredibly positive experience for all of us.

My favorite part was meeting my (twin) brothers and sister and seeing all of our similarities…I’ve never seen anyone who looked like or acted like me, so that was so neat

I plan on writing more when I share my whole adoption story, but I did want to share some pictures…

Nashville 143Nashville 145Nashville 146Nashville 149Nashville 150Nashville 155Nashville 164Nashville 179Nashville 186Nashville 197Nashville 198Nashville 201Nashville 207Nashville 228Nashville 230Nashville 242Nashville 244Nashville 243Nashville 249Nashville 250Nashville 256Nashville 259Nashville 303Nashville 301Nashville 304Nashville 305Nashville 308Nashville 309
What do you think? See any similarities??

"We ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing." -2 Thessalonians 1:3


  1. Oh my gosh you and your sister look so much alike! I am so glad things went so well for you this weekend! Can't wait to hear more about it!

  2. God is so good. Danielle, I love reading this blog. You're such an inspiring woman. Looking forward to hearing more about you adoption! x

  3. hi there. new follower via skinny runner. wow, amazing you had such a great time with your bio family. i, myself, often wonder if this will ever occur with my daughter as i adopted her when she was 2. she is the love of my life.

  4. It really does look like you guys had such a BLAST together!!! What a wonderful blessing...You can really see some similarities among you and I know that must have been awesome to connect with people who you've never met but who are part of YOU. i'm truly overjoyed for you!!!!!!

  5. Tears in my eyes...I am SO happy all went well!! You definitely look like them! How awesome...just think of all the love that your hearts will be able to open up to. I cannot wait to hear more! Just shows, when you're optimistic and have an open mind/heart, possibilities are endless. This is wonderful. Yay!!

  6. Sooo so very cool! I'm so happy for you that you got to meet them and that it was such a great time! I can't imagine how amazing that must have felt :)

    Btw- You look so similar to Erin Andrews. Absolutley gorgeous!!

  7. wow, that must have been such a warming experience, I am SO happy it was positive for you. I look forward to the remainder of the story..

  8. so happy all went well for you, I have been praying all weekend.

    Thank you sharing you life with us!!


  9. I am so happy for you! Meeting family for the first time is scary and yet exciting. Best wishes.

  10. So happy for you girl! I know it was a unforgettable moment!

  11. I don't know how I landed on this blog... the first post I read was about being a godly wife or something like that. Then I was looking for what your husband said about being a godly husband and couldn't find it.
    I am a 38 years old guy, and I have been asking God for the past 3 years " where is my wife God?" ... I just start telling him that if he wants me to be single, that I will accept it.

    You and your husband seem to be a a godly couple.
    my name is Fidel, just in case... you help me ask God to help me find a woman that fears God and helps me be a godly man.

  12. Danielle, you are blessed. No doubt.

    Fidel, if by any chance you ever happen to come back to this website, here's some advice fro you.

    Please view the waiting period as a time of preparation. Work on yourself in all areas of you life: your walk with God, finances, emotional health and physical health.

    Please visit

    Be blessed!
