Friday, July 13, 2012

Barbie Boot Camp & Grocery Store Tour


Tonight I helped lead a “Barbie Boot Camp” and “Grocery Store Tour” with some AWESOME ladies!! (One of them is taking the pic & we had a few more join us at the grocery store.)

We focused on a total body workout with lots of body weight moves that can be done at home with NO equipment! No excuses, right? We did some Tabata circuits, alternating upper and lower body as well as abs/core. We finished with some light kickboxing (great low impact activity to get your heart rate up) & stretching.

It started raining pretty good…..but these hard core chicks toughed it out and absolutely rocked it!!

After the workout, we headed to the grocery store to talk about nutrition, clean eating, what to buy, what to avoid, and a typical day in my diet. I shared some cooking/meal prep tips, what is on my grocery list, what I pack Big Jon for lunch, etc. We walked around the entire store & they asked questions, shopped, and took notes. They were awesome learners and I loved their enthusiasm and energy!!

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Seriously, I had an ABSOLUTE BLAST!!! This was SO up my alley!!! I love teaching, health, fitness, working out, and nutrition (duh!), and I’m PASSIONATE about helping women take control of their health.

I know I feel SO much better when I take care of myself, so my goal is to help teach other women to live healthier lifestyles, take care of their temple so they can be most effective, & feel more confident too (because that carries over into all areas of life). I have said so many times now that I am a 100% believer in being healthy for DISEASE PREVENTION, overall well being, and a better quality of life.

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I will post some of the tips I shared with these lovely ladies when I get back from Nashville for those interested.

Honestly, my heart felt so full and fulfilled after tonight because that is something I LOVE to do, and I could tell how much those ladies appreciated the guidance. I know lots of women WANT to start living a healthier life, but are intimidated or just don’t know how. Maybe they don’t know where to start. And that is TOTALLY understandable!!! There is SO MUCH information out there, I would feel lost too!

Let me encourage you, FIND YOUR PASSION and share it with others. It is so rewarding and fulfilling.


If you’re one of the ladies who knows a lot about health/fitness, try to share with others and encourage them. Reach out and offer to help, because lots of people are looking for that but are too embarrassed to ask for it. Do not put others down or judge them. Lots of people were never taught how to eat right, work out, or take care of themselves…Not making excuses, but it’s important to be considerate of that.  (I think a lot of people assume I am that way, but it really couldn’t be further from the truth!!! I am NOT the least bit judgmental about that- I just love to help!)

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If you’re one of the ladies who is too ashamed to go in the gym or who feels inferior, IGNORE those voices!! I promise, most people you assume are judging you are not. They are too focused on their own health and fitness (and I don’t mean that in a narcissistic way…just that it takes a lot of discipline and mental focus) to be judging you for what you’re eating or your pants size. This is all about YOUR JOURNEY, and no one else’s. Don’t worry about what others are thinking….do it for YOU!!!!

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It’s never too late to start being the person you want to be or living the life you want to live.

Just do it.


  1. Barbie Boot Camp sounds great! Do you want to nip over to England and do one here too?!

  2. I would definitely love a post sharing some of the tips you did! I always feel like if I had someone telling me what to buy or not buy at the grocery store, I would make better decisions!

  3. That sounds like fun! I wish I could get tips on eating right and working out. As a mother of 2 I want to be around for awhile as well as set good nutritional habits for my kids! But sometimes its soooo hard to know just where and how to start as well as which direction is the right direction to take!

    Btw I LOVE your blog! I am trying to be a better Christian, wife, and mother and your blogs help me to keep moving forward in the right direction!
