Monday, June 20, 2011


Okay, okay. I know, I am the worst! I have had the busiest summer ever so far....moving, summer camp, VBS, showers, grad school, and a vacation!  Today is actually my first day with nothing officially on my calendar.  (I promise, I have learned a lesson through the last two months about packing out my calendar- this will NOT happen again!) AND, we don't have internet at our house yet.  BOO- It's killing me! I try to read my friends blogs on my phone, but it's just sad. I came to mom's today to blog, but I forgot my laptop with all my pics, SO, check back soon. I am dying to get back to blogging! And here's what you get to look forward to....
*Chelsi's BEAUTIFUL wedding in Destin, FL
*Laura's Tea Party Bridal Shower
*Our new home!
*Laura's Lingerie Shower
*Viva La Mexico- our vacay with Dana & Ryan
*Laura's beautiful wedding (coming up Saturday!)

Don't give up on me yet!!


Rachael said...

Can't wait for you to have Internet we have missed you'n

Kae said...

So glad! I have missed you!

Mama’s Minute said...

Yay! My heart is smiling!!!

Emily said...

phhhhh i've totally forgotten who you are at this point!!!! COME BACK!!!!